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Symbols & Arrows

From left → to plus and minus ±

Updated over a week ago

It is easy to add symbols & arrows into cards, using the following notation:


  • Copyright: © /  (C)   

  • Trademark: /  (TM)  

  • Registered Trademark: ® /  (R) 

  • Section Sign: § /  (P)   

  • Plus/Minus: ± /  +-  

  • En Dash: – /   --   

  • Em Dash: — /  ---  


  • Leftwards arrow: ← /  <--  

  • Rightwards arrow: → /   -->   

  • Left-right arrow: /  <-->  

  • Leftwards double arrow: ⇐ /  <== 

  • Rightwards double arrow: ⇒ /  ==>  

  • Left-right double arrow: /  <==>   

Here is an example of the arrows in action with a simple chemical equation.

You can also add up and down arrows using the following unicode notation:

  • Upwards arrow ↑ /  &uparrow;  

  • Downwards arrow ↓ /  &downarrow;   

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