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Create & Edit Cards

Create awesome notes using our card format
30 articles
Introduction to the Super EditorWhy we built a one-of-a kind WYSIWYM editor
CheatsheetUse the cheat sheet for syntax and keybindings
MetadataThe properties associated with cards
ImportMigrate from other note-taking apps or files
Drag and drop text repositioningSelect text and drag it into a new location
Character LimitA soft-limit to help you break down your knowledge
Advanced Editing Techniques
AI SuperpowersUse Collection Creator and Card Vision
BlockquotesEmphasise a quotation or phrase
CodeInline and Highlighted Code Blocks
EmojisAll of the emojis, literally all of them
External LinksAdd external links to resources, webpages and more
FootnotesA guide to inline and reference-style Footnotes
ImagesAdd photographs, diagrams, gifs and more
ListsUnordered, Numbered or Checklists
Maths EquationsUse LaTeX to add Maths in your Cards
Mermaid DiagramsVisualise diagrams in your Markdown with Mermaid
Line Breaks & Horizontal RulesWant to make a line stand out?
Symbols & ArrowsFrom left → to plus and minus ±
TablesDisplay your data in style
Typographic EmphasisItalics, Bold, Highlight, Strikethrough
TasksOtherwise known as todos, checkboxes
VideosEmbed Youtube, Vimeo and Prezis
HeadingsUse H1, H2, H3 titles to emphasise bits of your card
Text IndentationMarkdown doesn't support plaintext indentation, here's why