The heatmap Calendar in your Overview sidebar shows you what notes you've taken on a given day.
Cards will be show up on a given date, depending on whether it's modifiable targeted date (or if a card doesn't have this, date created property) matches the date selected.
Sidebar Calendar
The calendar in the sidebar overview, gives you a quick overview of your month. Day objects have a "heatmap" to indicate how many cards you have on any given day. Drag-and-drop is also supported for cards + dates, so you can easily drag a card title onto a different date, setting the new "targeted date" property.
Press the sun icon to jump to today, or the arrow icons to jump between months. Hold down an arrow icon to jump between years.
Quickly switch days
You can quickly change days by clicking on the current date in the top left of the Noteboard > "Change Day".
Or by use the Universal Search (Ctrl / Cmd + K) since we automatically scan for dates in the search field using natural language. For example, if you type in a date with your keyboard, such as "22nd Nov" or "Tomorrow" that suggestion will pop up.
Hide the Calendar
You can quickly toggle the Calendar (and the Collections / Outline for that matter) by pressing on the section titles. For the Calendar this will be the current Month / Year, such as "November 2024".