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Advanced Features

Keyboard Shortcuts, Universal Search, API and more
13 articles
Universal SearchQuickly open this card search and command prompt
PinningPin cards to the right-hand side of your screen
App PreferencesPersonalize the visual and functional experience
Keyboard ShortcutsTired of using a mouse? Be lazy and just use your Keyboard.
Themes & AppearanceWorking late? We have got you covered.
OfflineContinue to edit, browse, read and search your Supernotes
API AccessIntegrate Supernotes into to your workflow
Multi SelectSelect and junk / edit multiple cards in one go
Files & AttachmentsWe support images and video embeds
Feature PreviewsTry out new features before anyone else
Targeted DateOverride the date created of cards
DeeplinksLink directly within the Supernotes app using custom app protocols
InteractQuickly interact with cards & edit their properties