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Something wrong? These articles will help
11 articles
Report a BugFound a bug, check if it's a known issue
Restart the appFound a bug? Often a restart is a quick fix
Recommended Browser & SettingsHaving issues with the web app? Try our recommended settings
Can't find a feature?Feel like Supernotes is missing something? Suggest it!
I'm getting a blank / errored out screenUh oh app not loading? Here's an easy fix
I'm missing a card!Here's what to do if you can't find a card.
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Linux app authenticationDepending on your distro authentication might not work first time
Creating Cards in Custom CollectionsMatching new cards to collections filters
Handwriting SupportSupernotes does not have native handwriting support yet.
Can't log in / sign up on AndroidHaving an issue signing into Android, here's some help!